Friday, December 27, 2019

What Its Really Like to Work for Elon Musk

What Its Really Like to Work for Elon MuskWhat Its Really Like to Work for Elon Musk All eyes are on Elon Musk. The billionaire SpaceX and Tesla mogul has gone from commended CEO and thought leader to one of the most controversial news topics of late. Musk recently came under fire for his involvement in the Thailand cave rescue. Musks attempt to aid the recovery of a boys soccer team stuck in a cave backfired after the rescue team and the media questioned whether Musks mini-submarine was intended to help the children or Musks public image. Musk went on to engage in a Twitter rant that raised eyebrows.In June, Tesla laid off 9 percent of its employees while reportedly pushing remaining workers to the limit to meet slipping production quotas. The workplace demand became so intense Musk reportedly took to sleeping on the floor of the Fremont, California factory and fueling exhausted workers with Red Bull.While colleagues have voiced their discontent with Musks b ehavior and work demands, the CEO says the complaints about him are exaggerated and issues in the workplace were swiftly resolved. As Musk reminded Glassdoor in an interview in 2017 , Your title makes you a manager but your people make you a leader. So whats it really like to work for Elon Musk? We turn to employee reviews for SpaceX and Tesla to get the scoop.Musk was rated 49 in Glassdoors 2018 Top CEOs list for his role at SpaceX, and currently holds a 97% approval rating one employee even dubbed him Uncle Elon. He dropped from his position at 8 CEO in 2017, when he received a 98% approval rating. Musk has a slightly lower approval rating in his role at Tesla at 84%.Currently, SpaceX employees give the company a 4.4 rating in Q2 2018 (based on a 5-point scale 1.0=very dissatisfied, 5.0=very satisfied). Tesla employees, however, give their company a 3.4 rating in Q2 2018.Weve seen the numbers. But whats behind an employees day to day? Read recent anonymous employee reviews to see workers opinions on their jobs and their CEO.The bottom line from employees is that while the work environment is intense and demanding, Musk is an inspiring leader in spite of his public antics. Employees are motivated first and foremost by the missions of Tesla and SpaceX, and are less focused on anything outside of disrupting the industry. Looks like Elons innovation trumps his public persona.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Land a Job More Easily With These 6 Courses

Land a Job More Easily With These 6 Courses Land a Job More Easily With These 6 Courses Here are six stand-alone courses that can boost your chances of getting a job1. Professional DevelopmentProfessional development classes typically deckblatt job-search skills, interviewing techniques, and writing cover letters, resumes and thank you notes. You can have a peerless skill set, a first-rate portfolio, and (where relevant) an impressive GPA, but if you dont know how to present yourself to a prospective employer, you wont get the job.2. EtiquetteFew colleges offer these courses, but they may be available from community education programs or other local outlets. People are not usually taught how to shake hands, introduce themselves, or when offer someone aseat, but these are all important things to know.Though anyone can learn these skills, you improve your chances of landing a job, keeping your job, and moving up in your company if you display proper manners.3. Social MediaSocial me dia is about more than just posting, sharing, and tagging your friends on Facebook. While it may seem like something you can teach yourself, it is a good idea to take a class that is based on good marketing principles of social media. Also, be sure to list the skill on your resume, in your cover letter, and in the interview.4. PsychologyTaking a psychology course can help you better understand human behavior better. Knowing why people do what they dois anoften overlooked and underrated skill.5. geschftsleben CommunicationGetting your ideas across clearly and concisely is vital to succeeding in any career. There may be no more important class for both students and working professionals than business communications. Basic communication skills, like proper grammar and oral presentation, are essential to achieving lasting career success.6. StatisticsStatistics canapply to almost any field, from biomedical research, to business, to economics, tocomputer sciences and beyond. If you dont k now what sort of career you want, but you are proficient in statistics, you can get a job in almost any field.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Marie Kondo is coming for your children with her new kids book

Marie Kondo is coming for your children with her new kids bookMarie Kondo is coming for your children with her new kids bookWe already told you that decluttering queen Marie Kondo is coming for your workplace with and upcoming book about overhauling your messy desk with the forthcoming Joy at Work. Now, the star of Netflixs Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has announced on her Instagram page thats shes written a childrens book, to be released on November 5, calledKiki Jax the Life-Changing Magic of Friendship.Its a timeless story about friendship, and I hope that the characters of Kiki and Jax will inspire children and families to tidy and embrace joy Kondo wrote.The book is co-written is illustrated and co-written by popular childrens book author Salina Yoon.The books Amazon page describes the plot of the 40-page hardcover book as such Kiki and Jax are best friends, but they couldnt be more different. The one thing they always agree on is how much fun they have together. But when things start to get in the way, can they make space for what has always sparked joy- each other?Kiki and Jax appear to be a squirrel and an owl.The book is available for pre-order on Amazon and might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Weather a Work-Life Storm

How to Weather a Work-Life StormHow to Weather a Work-Life StormWhen Tom Callabrios lost his job as a senior field engineer, he and his wife, were forced to re-examine their familys livelihood.Many families with children decide to build a professional career around their roles as parents these are called dual-career families. One such example, the Callabrios family, recently weathered a work-life storm.Tom, a successful field engineer for a service-related technical firm, states, With three children under 10, my wife Marys career as a CRNA took up a lot of time. But we managed. My job took a hit about 10 months ago. My company sent my job overseas and hired someone half my age at half my base salary. We were used to living on what some may say is a lot of money, and we filled up the buckets for college and retirement vehicles. But with a special-needs son with autism, we wanted to cut back and spend mora time helping him and ur other children. So, in a way, we had already weathered a work-life storm a potential lifetime of dealing with a son with special needs. I think I just got very focused on being creative and leid just on the money lost.Mary said, Any family is a balancing act. Having two career paths is, and so is having children. Add a special need and career expectations of two Type-A personalities, plans and more change. As someone in health care, I am used to planning for change and dealing with adversity. Its just a little different when its your adversity. Educational plans and provisions for our future always remained important. Until 10 months ago, our plan was to make as much money as possible just in case our children, and especially our son who has autism, needed more down the road. But I would say our perspective changed a lot. In the last 10 months we not only weathered the storm but put more in perspective about whats important in life. We had to weather our own little hurricane. Its probably not too uncommon.How are you like the Callabrios family? If you or your spouse were to lose your job, would you be able to cover your basic household expenses? Would you have to change your lifestyle? Would cutting back hurt you or actually give you a new perspective on life? What if you have a child with special needs? What if a spouse got hurt or became unable to perform because of a health issue?Whatever your special circumstance might be, here are a few ways you can learn from the Callabrios family and prepare for your own named hurricanePut your family first.Heres the key to stabilizing any financial situation Spend your time and your money where it makes a difference. This is what will keep a job offer in your back pocket at all times, and its what will keep your bank account above the water in any economy. It isnt as hard as it sounds, and the results will come sooner than you might expect. According to Mr. Callabrios, I really worked on alternative opportunities in field engineering and technology immediately after I was l et go. This resulted in cutting my hours from about 60 a week to 45 and not traveling 12 business days a month. I spend more time working with my children and teaching my special-needs son reading. When I did that along with the business things I should have been doing, like hiring a career coach and producing a powerful resume, I saw things just start coming to me in terms of contacts and opportunities.Let adversity bring out your creativity.Tom got creative about his career, and his approach led to more than gaining another job. Mary states, Tom is still able to produce close to six figures in income, but by reinventing his career and cutting back, hes in better health and we are closer. At the time of his layoff we were seeking marital counseling. Its almost like adversity brought out our creative side. Now we are closer as a total family. Tom worked on building his network of friends and others. The new stelle he received was due to his creative processes. Mary says, Tom helped invent a position that was only lightly advertised. He actually wrote some of the job description himself.Network your network.Even if youre not currently looking for work, hiring decision-makers need a way to find you. When companies have an urgent need, they will look to the people they know. If someone had a requisition for your ideal job in hand, and you were indeed the perfect candidate for this job, how would that person find you? If you build a strong brand, and you make your name known, job offers will start to appear. I wanted to keep people informed of my status, says Tom, so I kept in touch. This helped me trim a long layoff. He also aggressively and properly developed a powerful online resume and took time to network on LinkedIn and at other professional and volunteer events. He proactively sought to find new opportunities, advertised and unadvertised.No matter how much you make, watch what you spend.To be honest, says Mary, we were stupid with our money. We leased new c ars, bought things we didnt need, and we thought money and things might replace time with our kids. It wasnt intentional. We now have a work-life that suits our family, and we dont have to buy it all. We are now teaching our kids by example to be responsible time is more important than money. What expenses could you eliminate if you had to? Could you pull money out of something thats currently an expense and re-invest that money into the development of your personal brand or network?If moneys tight, keep focused on activity that either increases your income or reduces your expenses. Nothing else will make a difference. Unfortunately, in the face of economic storms, its easy to get caught up in unproductive distractions. A number of critical brand-building activities dont yield income right away it can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between moving forward and spinning your wheels.In times of economic volatility, hurricanes can form from tropical storms when youre not l ooking. No matter if your income matches that of the Callabrios family or your situation mirrors theirs, consider engaging, not just evacuating. The U.S. government says you should have a to-go bag in case you have to evacuate from your business or home during a major storm or event. Look at the facts and financials, but put yourself and your family first. Then your next work-life storm could become just another setback thats a set-up for new perspective and opportunity.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Life After Office Manager Resume Sample

Life After Office Manager Resume Sample Facility Managers care for a building for the interest of the folks in the building. Employers generally like to find the skills you are bring to the job that will permit you to attain departmental objectives. Different schriftarts of Resume Format Knowing the distinctive types of resumes can cause you to be an intelligent job seeker. Students may come across internships opportunities in the worlds biggest internship marketplace. The 30-Second Trick for Office Manager Resume Sample Even the very best free Word resume templates might not appear great on all computers. The content of the brief post is its many crucial part. When the sample is already open, you can start editing all sections by filling in your own personal information like your entire name, current place, date of birth, age, contact information, and so on. A work description form template sample is merely the thing you need when you are just about to put an ad searching for a new employee in your workplace. Have a look at our information technology resume samples for some tips about how to present yourself as the ideal candidate. Human interest stories are a bit especial case. The media is something ought to be censured to some amount. Without detailed information regarding the party youre preparing for, you cant construct the very best marketing flyer. Have a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer service resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. You also need to be in a position to anticipate questions and be prepared to answer them on the fly. Use the search box to find precisely what you want to find.Do spend some time inventing keywords that you want to include before starting writing. If youre trying to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, take a look at our absolutely free downloadable templates. Resume writing is an important aspect that can help you acquire the j ob. Each bro will typically assign the duty of keeping supplies in stock to a person in every department. An office manager is typically a person who has a degree in management or company. An office manager ought to be accessible both with regard to availability, and in regard to the warmth of her or his personality. A health office manager will have to have great interpersonal skills to address many personalities. Conversely, you may find your in passion somewhere you would never think about looking. For someone in the building and labor field, obtaining an abundance of skills and experience is essential. Theres a simple method to demonstrate your resume experience. Nevertheless, its often useful to have experience in the type of office one works in, both because it gives lower-level employees confidence in your competence and because it might aid with managing workflow. The Allstate Corporation is the one of the biggest insurance providers in the usa and among the largest that is publicly held. Managing offices can involve a tremendous quantity of responsibility. Office managers also have to be analytical problem solvers, as theyre expected to resolve issues efficiently and effectively. Experience in office management must attain certification. Applicant Tracking Systems will try to find the proper ones.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Want to Be a Teacher Here Are the Top 25 Best Places for Educators in the U.S. [Infographic]

Want to Be a Teacher Here Are the Top 25 Best Places for Educators in the U.S. Infographic Before I started my illustrious career as a recruitment/hiring blogger, I was a teacher in Hartford, CT. (Full disclosure I was not a very good teacher, hence why I didnt belastung long.) According to a new analysis from personal finance tech company SmartAssest, I was lucky enough to be teaching in the ninth-best metro area in the nation, where the average salary for a K-12 teacher is $70,786. Not bad at all, and I totally believe that Hartford is a great place to teach even if I myself am better suited for a desk job.Despite the critical value of teachers in society, the teaching profession has had a rough time over the last few years. Smart Asset reports that the number of K-12 teachers in the U.S. grew by just half a percent between 2013 and 2014, a fraction of the overall rate of jobs growth across all occupations (1.9 percent). Likewise, income growth for teachers was below average.In large part, the stalling of the profession is due to falling numbers of students, SmartAsset says. Since 2009, the number of people below the age of 18 in the U.S. has dropped by 1.2 percent.That being said, there are still a few places where education is a thriving field. By analyzing average salaries, total employment gains, average graduation rates, and monthly housing costs in more than 400 metro areas in the U.S., SmartAsset was able to put together the following list of the 25 best places to be a teacher. Check out the full infographic below, and read SmartAssets in-depth analysis over on the companys website.